Thursday, May 31, 2012

Dissociation was a good thing as a child for me. Now as an adult I do not need this coping skill anymore, but I still have it. I catch myself doing this for no reason sometimes. Sometimes I do it when I am triggered by something that reminds me of the abuse I went through. This is one of the coping skills I could live without, but it seems to be something I am stuck with. I also catch myself dissociating when my therapist is talking to  me. 

  Life is strange. I guess I am different as well. I really am not angry at the people who abused me. I am more upset about the affects the abuse I had on me. Sometimes I feel as if I wasn't strong enough. I feel as though maybe I did something that attracted these people to me. I know this is not really the situation, but it is the way I feel. I can not help my feelings. I can only try to change my mindset so that maybe someday I will feel differently about it all.

  I wish someone had a magic wand and could just erase my childhood and make everything perfect. I know wishful thinking will eventually be my downfall. 



  1. Lets sit and picture the magic wand together. It is gold and shiny and glittery. It is waved over us, each movement erasing some of our hurt until it is all gone. I like your wishful brings me hope and makes me smile.

  2. I am glad I can make you smile. I agree with you time to picture the magical wand. Thank you my friend
