Saturday, June 2, 2012

Every day brings new challenges. Today was one of the harder days. I guess I will eventually get over it as well. I just feel like I am making no progress. I struggle to make myself do things everyday. Then something happens like today. My stepmother shows up. I then have to ask myself why do I try? What good is therapy doing me if things like this stir me up to the point of breaking? Why can't my family just leave me alone? I moved away from them. I changed my phone number and yet they still do not get the message that I want nothing to do with them.

I am beginning to wonder who is more messed up my father or my stepmother. She is still married to him. Who in their right mind stays married to someone who molests children. Personally I believe only someone just as messed up. She actually went to the prison and saw him and wanted me to feel sorry for him, because he is ill. Well guess what I freaking don't and the only thing her coming by did was cause me more pain. Sometimes I wonder if she knows what she is doing to me and just doesn't care.


  1. She doesn't care and isn't worth anything. You deserve so much more. I am deeply sorry you were molested by your father and sorry again that they both continue to hurt you know. I wish I could take your pain away.

  2. I would wish this pain on nobody but the people who have caused it. I appreciate you to much as a friend to ever want you to suffer. I know you have so much of your own pain. To bad we can not put this pain on the people responsible.
