Wednesday, June 6, 2012

It has been a very long day

  Well I have suffered through another day without giving in and taking anxiety medicine. I just want to prove to myself that I can do it. It is getting very hard and I am starting to remember why I was taking the anxiety medicine. I really didn't forget. I guess I have blocked how bad the anxiety really was since I have been on the medicine. Now that I am coming off of it I am now wondering if this is the best decision for me. I have left home but it is taking all I have to force myself out the door. I know the medicine is not completely out of my system. So I am kind of scared to see how I am going to be off of it totally. Maybe I should take it. I don't know I am just really confused. I do not want to be dependent on medicine for the rest of my life. I want a life that I can be proud of. What I have now is not something I want. I don't want to think to myself well you had a good day, but it was only because you took your medicine. I hate being like this. I hate my life. I want to die. 

1 comment:

  1. you wont be dependent on it for the rest of your life! But for now you DO need it, Its okay to need it and to use it, your doing what you need to do to survive the now.
