Saturday, June 2, 2012

Self Injury

Is way of expressing the pain that I seem not to be able to talk about. It is how I cope with feeling numb. It is how I cope when I have so many emotions I can't even begin to name them. I self injure to hide the pain I feel. I self injure and nobody knows but me.  I am me I can not change that and right now self injury is a coping skill. I am trying to find new coping skills to learn how to deal with things. I can sometimes make those other skills work for me, but on a day like today it seems to be the one reliable thing that I know will help me get through the rest of the day.


  1. please do not hurt your self anymore! When you hurt I hurt. Lets come up with ways to cope together.

  2. I think my next blog might be coping skills. I just need to practice the things I come up with. Some times it is just way to easy to fall back on si especially on the really bad days.
